Value Lists come in a variety of list types, each with their own unique set of parameters.
Standard list types that come with the SkillsPlus system include:
Value only - Indicates a list type where only the User Value and not the Description are made available to the user.
Value with description - Indicates a list type where both the User Value and Description are made available to the user.
Synonym only - Indicates a list type where only the User Value and not the Description are made available to the user, and a synonym value can be user to equate to the SkillsPlus Value.
Synonym Value with description - Indicates a list type where both the User Value and Description are made available to the user and a synonym value can be used to equate to the SkillsPlus Value.
Description only - Indicates a list type where only the Description is made available to the user.
Description with non-editable list category - Indicates a list type where only the Description is made available to the user in a list that can contain more than one non-user definable categories
Description with editable list category - Indicates a list type where only the Description is made available to the user in a list that can contain more than one user definable categories
Undefined - Indicates a list for which no items have been defined. This list type is not available to the user and is only used as a placeholder within the system.