All skill lists within the SkillPlus system are comprised of lists of skill Areas (and related items) that can be assigned to various classes. All classes maintained in SkillsPlus contain one or more of these Areas, which in turn contain an extended hierarchy of items. For example, an Auto Shop class may contain Areas for Engine Repair, Suspension and Steering, Brakes, Electrical Systems, etc. In turn, each of these Areas would be comprised of several Subareas. Each Subarea would contain a list of Skills. And each individual Skill would contain a number of unique Skill Details.
Areas – The highest level in the skill hiererchy. Each class can be made up of one or more Areas. In classes where only a single area is used, the Area can refer to the name of the class - such as Cosmetology, Metal Fabrication, Plumbing, etc.
Subareas – Are best defined as those sections which “make up” the Area. Examples of potential Sub Areas within a Metal Fabrication Area could be: Orientation to Metal; Reading Blueprints; Taking Measurements; Cutting Metals; etc.
Skills – Typically refers to the lists of tasks that students should perform within a given Subarea. A potential list of Skills within the Cutting Metals Subarea could include: Cut metals using a power shear; Cut metals using a Foot Operated Shear; Cut metals using an Abrasive Saw; Cut metals using a Band Saw; etc.