You can manipulate a skill list by simply editing one or more of the available fields that identify the list within the Skill Lists module. Be sure to hit the “Apply Changes” button after making any edits to these fields that you wish to save.
Skill List Fields are as follows:
Row: Identifies the row of data (This field may not be edited).
Select: Allows a user to select the skill list with which they want to work.
Instance: Allows users to note the instance, or occasion, for which the skill list was created. A given instance would normally contain groups of skill Areas – such as all the Areas used (across multiple classes and courses) during the term of a full school year. This is a required field.
Major and Minor Revision: Allows users to create, and distinguish between, various versions of the skill lists utilized within the selected Instance. Noting Major and Minor Revisions is helpful when edits, or series of edits, are made to the selected skill list. Both the Major and Minor Revision fields can hold a value of any whole number. The default setting for both fields is “0”. This is not a required field.
Description: Allows users to record the title or brief description of the selected skill list. This is not a required field.
Final Rev: Allows users to mark a row of data as the final revision of this instance, “Y” – Or not, “N”. This is a required field.
Current Rev: Allows users to mark a row of data as the current revision of this instance, “Y” – Or not, “N”. This is a required field.
A skill list marked with a “Y” in the “Current Rev” column indicates that this list contains the active data that is currently being used by instructors within the SkillsPlus system. As such, users should exercise caution when manipulating the contents of a Current Rev Skill List. See the help section “Changing the Narrative or Changing the Skill?” for more details. Note: Only one skill list at a time can be marked as the “Current Rev.”
Edit Rev: Placing a “Y” in this field will allow the user to edit the “Area,” “Subarea,” “Skill” and “Skill Detail” components of the selected skill list. Placing an “N” in this field marks the components of this skill list as non-editable; allowing the user to only read the contents of the Skill List components. This is a required field.
Delete: Allows a user to delete the entire selected skill list. Note: skill lists designated as a “Current Rev,” and those that have been assigned within the SkillsPlus system, can not be deleted.
Note: To edit an Area within a skill list, the selected skill list must be marked both "N" in the "Final Rev" column and "Y" in the "Edit Rev" column.